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What is Agriculture Studies? [Definition]

Agriculture studies are defined as the art and science of cultivating the land and includes the study of growing crops and raising livestock for the benefit of humans. According to National Geographic, It includes the preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to markets. Agriculture is a vast study area covering crops, livestock, forestry, environmental conservation and so much more! Many have known agriculture to be the old fashioned way of growing crops and rearing animals but due to rapid inventions, research, development, and innovations the past few decades have seen agriculture become a science and an engineering course.

There exist opportunities in the agricultural field to improve operations, machinery, storage, and yield. Innovative processes such as genetically modified plants to improve yield, manufacturing of machines to increase the efficiency of farmers, fertilizer productions, irrigation systems, planting methods, application of drones in farming are just a few exiting areas to study in Agriculture.

If you are interested in researching, studying, and adding to troves of already existing research to advance the way the world eats while sustaining the environment for future generations, agricultural science is a great opportunity for you.


Why Study Agriculture Science?

There is the need to keep farmers and the food production process efficient and receptive to technologies to eradicate hunger, create jobs and protect the environment. There are several research and development programs that attracted so much funding. Many have achieved so much but there is more room for improvement.

  • We encourage students to venture into the study of agriculture to ensure sustained food production and enough research to support the growth of the area
  • The technologies and exposure will grant you so much knowledge and continual career growth.
  • Innovation is at the core of Agriculture. Students who want to always explore the impact of these innovative technologies are encouraged to study agriculture
  • Agriculture is so essential to the world that your contribution will help advance the field

Who Should Study Agriculture Engineering?

Agricultural studies are one of the ancient sciences playing a major role in sustaining human life, nourishing our bodies, and conserving the bio-ecosystem. So much has changed and many technologies are making it easier for food and animal production. The question is who should study Agriculture? Here are a few insights

  • Students interested in a full-time career in the growing of food and rearing of animals
  • If the application of technology to enhancing the efficiency of farmers fascinates you, then agriculture is a good course for you
  • Do you like fieldwork? If you like community engagements and training people to enhance their livelihoods, Agriculture extension work will be a great area to explore
  • If you like to research and development in genetics and laboratory work, agriculture offers a wide range of applications.

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Requirements to Study Agriculture

International students who wish to pursue a degree in agriculture should possess a strong qualities in communication, collaboration, team work, methodology approach to thinking, and is technologically inclined. Most universities will define their desired qualifications but here are few for your perusal.

  • Entry requirements range from BBB to BCC, with the universities and colleges most commonly asking for CCC
  • Students interested in the studying agricultural science should have studied some science courses related to chemistry, biology. Some universities require both
  • You should pass the university scheduled interviews for international students. Not all universities require interviews but you should prepare just in case.
  • A properly written personal statement to reflect your motivation to study Agriculture.

Agriculture Science Course Content

If you are considering studying agriculture, you may qualify to study at the following levels i.e. associate’s, bachelor’s, masters, and doctoral levels. Students who already acquire a bachelor’s degree can move on to higher studies. Associate and Bachelor’s degrees provide foundations and introduction to the program, while the Master and Ph.D. prepare students for research, fieldwork, and lab operations.

  • Microeconomics in agriculture, Agribusiness management, and Livestock biometrics
  • Food and agricultural marketing, Agricultural research and statistics
  • Agricultural demand and production, Agricultural market theory
  • International agribusiness, Agribusiness market forecasting
  • Strategic management in agribusiness
study aerospace engineering

Agriculture Degree Study Pathway

A degree in agricultural sciences exposes international students to various practices, processes, and technologies. You will explore the concepts of sustainably managing the production of food. Students have the option to study soil science, agriculture businesses, data analysis, animal rearing, and environmental sustainability. There is a well-laid study path for students who want to study agriculture to an advanced level. From associate degrees, Bachelor’s degree, Master Programs, and Ph.D.

  • Associate Degree in Agriculture studied
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Engineering
  • Master’s Degree in Agriculture
  • Ph.D. in Agriculture Science
  • Online Agriculture Degrees

Agriculture Science Career Pathway

There are varieties of Careers for agriculture majors. An international student who are studying agriculture has to decide where to specialize either into the crop, soil, and livestock. Next, students need to determine if they want to work for a private, corporate, government, or non-profit organization. It becomes even easier to decide what to do in the future. Students may decide to seek a mentor’s advice before deciding which way to go

  • agriculture, forestry, and horticulture
  • education & environment and conservation
  • engineering and manufacturing
  • local and central government services
  • Pharmaceuticals & sales and marketing
  • technical media and journalism & voluntary and charitable organizations
Study Master's in China

Study Agricultural Science Abroad

We encourage all students to study abroad because the benefits outweigh the cost involved.  Before you study Agricultural Science abroad, it is essential to decide on the destination based on how they stand out in developing agricultural practices. For example, China, Europe, and the United States have one of the robust agricultural systems. The innovations rate is massive in these countries. China, the USA, and Europe have government investments in new technologies. Your ability to understand the technologies out there will improve your understanding. You are better at collaborating with other international experts.

  • Top Ranking universities – Studying abroad means you have the choice to select from top Agricultural universities offering the specialization that you want. They provide quality teaching and learning services and the connection to industry
  • Immerse into a new Culture – To become a top-notch agriculturist, you need to understand other cultures and work with people from all parts of the world.
  • Internship opportunities – While studying abroad, you can secure internships and other self-improving opportunities that prepare you for the job market.
  • Job opportunities –  Do you know that its possible to find a job soon after graduation? While you study abroad, most companies are inclined to hire you after you graduate and they will take care of your visa
  • Meet other international students – The beauty of studying agricultural science abroad is the community of other international students available to support each other. You will make new friends and build new connections.
  • Scholarships – Don’t let the cost scare you! It is possible to study abroad at a cheaper cost than learning in your home country. Take advantage of Scholarship opportunities.

Agricutlture Internships

As you study, it is essential to combine some form of practical experience with your classroom lessons. It is a way of getting ready for the job market. In some countries like the United Kingdom, international students are allowed to apply for Apprenticeships where they combine study and work and earn monthly salaries. In China, you are allowed to join a short term internships in an industry of your choice and some are unpaid opportunities.

While studying Agriculture abroad, you can find internships with placement agencies, applying directly to companies who advertise internship vacancies or connect with your career office at the University for Possible Connections

  • Internships will prepare you for the career ahead – Its competitive and internships are the fix
  • Some universities offer internship credits for students sho successfully complete a number of hours
  • You acquire transferable skills as an intern- You cannot acquire all skills in the classroom especially corporate ethics, communication skills, teamwork, and some important ones but internships will immerse you into corporate settings
  • Summer engineering internships, Semester internships, or even yearlong internships are ideal for you to pick relevant skills.

FAQs on Engineering Study & Career

Study Agriculture Scholarship Tips (Best Practice)

In order to enhance your chances of securing a scholarship to study in China or abroad, start the process earlier at least a year ahead. Research and ask enough questions. Attestation, translation, and other requirements demand time. Applicants who can finish their entire process before the end of Each year January stand a better chance – Plan ahead, speak with our staff now!

Top Universities Offering Agriculture Programs in China

We partner with over 2000 Chinese Universities that provide more than 3000 English taught Agriculture  programs in various sectors. Click here to visit our course page and filter through available bachelor’s degree courses. You may filter by City, Language, Course, scholarships etc

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Shanghai University

Shanghai University

Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Chengde Medical University

Chengde Medical University

Chengde, Hebei, China

Minjiang University

Minjiang University

Fuzhou, Fujian, China

Guangzhou University

Guangzhou University

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Agriculture Programs in China

You get Quality education and programs that are relevant to your future career. China Scholar has over 3000 Agriculture Courses and Programs provided by top Chinese Universities. We also Support our applicants through Career development and internship programs

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Our Services deliver comprehensive combination of services that gets you ahead of your peers in life. You get comprehensive support and systems put in place to ease the stress of studying in China.

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You get comprehensive admission service and also develop your career goals while in China. Our comprensive network of companies provides opportunities you will never find else where.