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Writing Research Introduction: 7 Elements to Consider

  Writing research introduction can be described as competing a 100m race at the Olympics. You need to get your


Writing research introduction well in a research paper is undoubtedly the foundation of every insightful research.

Writing research introduction can be described as competing a 100m race at the Olympics. You need to get your starting right to be able to make a good run. Fundamentally, the introduction of your thesis or dissertation is crucial as it sets the stage for the entire document and provides a context for your research. However, many students often do not know where to start from let alone how to go about it. 

In this article, I try to give you a ride through some important things that you must consider when crafting your research introduction. 

Provide Context and Background

Introduce the research topic and provide background information to help readers understand the context and significance of your study. Explain why this topic is important and relevant within the broader field of study. Yes, this serves as a teaser to readers. If you get it wrong, everything goes wrong. So, take note. 

State the Research Problem or Question

Research gap is the basis on which the research or thesis is conducted. The question mark in this picture seeks to explain that research gaps are identified through asking questions.

Clearly articulate the research problem, question, or hypothesis that your study aims to address. This helps readers understand the specific focus of your research and what you intend to investigate. This aspect is more like the sweetener, it whets the reading appetite of the reader. 

Outline Objectives and Scope

Present the objectives or goals of your study. What do you aim to achieve with your research? Additionally, define the scope of your study by indicating what aspects of the topic you will cover and what you will not cover. This helps manage reader expectations. It’s better to manage the readers’ expectations than to give them false hope. 

Highlight Research Gap and Significance

Identify the gap or limitation in the existing literature that your research seeks to address. Explain why this gap is significant and how your study will contribute to filling it. Discuss your research’s potential impact and relevance to academia and practical applications. This is what research is all about. Many students tend to ignore this aspect. An excellent research must trigger the reader’s curiosity. Don’t just follow the wagon of students whose works only beautify the shelves or add to the pool of research “waste.” The start of your ingenuity begins here.

Provide a Rationale and Justification

Explain why your research is worth pursuing. Highlight the rationale behind your choice of topic, research questions, or hypotheses. Discuss the potential benefits of your findings and how they can advance knowledge in the field. It’s as simple as that. 

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Outline Methodology and Approach

Briefly describe your research methods and approaches to gather data, analyze information, and answer your research questions. This gives readers an overview of the methodology and establishes the research’s credibility.

Preview the Structure

Provide an overview of how you organized your thesis or dissertation. Briefly mention the main sections or chapters and explain how they flow together. This helps readers navigate your document and understand its overall structure. Get a pdf of how well you can structure your research and its introduction here

In addition to these considerations, remember to maintain a clear and concise writing style, avoid overly technical jargon that might alienate readers, and establish a logical flow of information. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, provide the key context, and create enthusiasm for reading the rest of your thesis or dissertation. Writing research introduction doesn’t have to be rocket science, so don’t be too nervous about it. As with any section of your work, revising and refining the introduction multiple times is essential to ensure that it effectively accomplishes its goals.

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