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Stomatology is a broad subject, which focuses not only on the health of your teeth, but on all issues related to the human skull: from the jaw to the cranium, as well as the health of the facial region. Dentists play a vital role in ensuring that all maxillofacial structures are in proper working order and that everything is healthy and kept in its place

Master’s in Stomatology

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  • Non-Chinese citizens with valid passport.
  • Under 30 years old.
  • With Bachelor Degree.
  • English proficiency certificate.


Nan Chang University is composed of five campuses, which are Qianhu main campus, Qingshanghu campus, Donghu campus, Poyanghu campus and Fuzhou campus, which occupy a total area of 8062 Chinese Mu. Apartment for International Students is in Qianhu Campus, the accommodation’s price is approximately RMB 1,000 or 1,250 per month.

Qianhu Campus

The Qianhu campus is located in No.999 Xuefudadao Road, Honggutan New District, Nanchang City, and it occupies an area of 300 hectares and is the campus where all the undergraduate student, the majority of graduate students, most research institutes and labs and most faculty and staff are based. The other campus are situated around Jiangxi province.

Nanchang University Overseas Student Apartment provides a quiet, clean and comfortable accommodation for the overseas students. There are also kitchens, laundries, reading rooms, a gym and a recreation room for activities and parties.


About the University Summary

Nanchang University is a national “double first-class” plan for world-class discipline construction universities. It is the only national “211 Project” key construction university in Jiangxi Province. It is a joint university established by the Ministry of Education and Jiangxi Province. .

The school is located in the "hero city" of Nanchang, with four campuses of Qianhu, Qingshan Lake, East Lake, and Poyang Lake. The main campus of Qianhu covers an area of ​​4,321 acres and the building area of ​​the school is 1.5 million square meters.

The school started in the Jiangxi Public Medical College established in 1921 and the National Chung Cheng University in 1940. In 1993, Jiangxi University and Jiangxi University of Technology merged to form Nanchang University, setting a precedent for the reform of the national higher education system. In 2005, Nanchang University and Jiangxi Medical College merged to form Xin Nanchang University, which opened a whole new page of school reform and development. Party and state leaders, the Ministry of Education, and the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Government attach great importance to the construction and development of schools. In October 2008, when Comrade Xi Jinping visited the school, he sent an affectionate message "Nanchang University has unlimited prospects". In February 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the school again to make an important speech on scientific research innovation and talent training, and encouraged the school to take the road of innovation and development. I hope that contemporary college students will cherish Shaohua, pave the way with youth, and extend their ideals.

The school now has a department of humanities, a department of social sciences, a department of science and engineering, a department of science and technology, and a department of medicine. It has 126 undergraduate majors in 12 disciplines, 3 national key (cultivation) disciplines, and 15 first-degree disciplines authorized by doctorates. One master's degree authorized first-level disciplines, one doctoral professional degree authorization and 29 master's professional degree authorizations, and 11 post-doctoral research stations. The school has 5 directly affiliated hospitals with a total of 9 national key clinical specialties. Seven disciplines including chemistry, clinical medicine, agricultural science (mainly food science and engineering), engineering, materials science, pharmacology and toxicology, biology and biochemistry entered the top 1% of the ESI world ranking, of which agricultural science (Mainly food science and engineering) entered the ESI world top 1.79 ‰, clinical medicine entered the ESI world top 3.7 ‰, and chemistry entered the ESI world top 4.8 ‰. In the fourth round of national subject evaluation, the food science and engineering subject evaluation ranks A and ranks 3rd in the country.

The school has 4362 faculty members (including 2524 full-time teachers, 1461 professors and associate professors), including 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4 "dual hire" academicians, 2 chief scientists of the National "973 Program", and "10,000 people of the country" 7 leading talents of the Plan, 1 top-notch talent of the National High-level Talent Special Support Plan, 5 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, 5 candidates of the National Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Program Innovation Project, and 5 national high-level overseas talents Four talented persons were selected for the Youth Program of the Talent Introduction Program, two were awarded "Excellent Youth Science Fund", five were specially invited professors of "Changjiang Scholar", one was specially invited lecturer of "Changjiang Scholar", one was selected by the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Hundred Talents Program", nationwide 1 excellent doctoral dissertation instructor, 13 members of the National "Billions of Talents Project", 1 member of the International Academy of Food Science, 1 member of the Disciplinary Evaluation Group of the Degree Committee of the State Council, 2 members of the Faculty of Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology There are 3 leading talents and 12 from the Ministry of Education's "New (Trans) Century Excellent Talents Support Plan". The school has always adhered to the training of talents, keeping in mind the fundamental mission of Lideshuren, and taking the results of Lideshuren as the fundamental standard for testing all the work of the school. In recent years, the highest honorary award in the international nursing industry, the "Ningdinger Medal" The winners include Zou Defeng, National Outstanding Communist Party Member Jiang Fengyi, and "Model Teacher in Jiangxi Province" Professor Wang Yu, who are representative of a group of dedicated and ethical teachers.

The school has 34,753 full-time undergraduate students, 14,980 graduate students of various types, and 1,492 foreign (foreign) students. The school actively explored a new model for training innovative talents, established the "Jihuan Academy", and promoted the reform of training talents across disciplines and colleges. The school attaches great importance to education and teaching reform and research, and has won 10 national higher education teaching awards. In 2018, our university participated in the "Double Hundred" founding activities of the National University Graduate Party Construction organized by the Ministry of Education and achieved excellent results. It was selected as the "Hundred Graduate Model Party Branch" of the National University and the "Hundred Graduate Party Members Model of National Universities", which is one of the few in the country. Double-selected colleges. Since its establishment, the school has cultivated more than 400,000 outstanding talents, and has made important contributions to the national and local economic and social development.

NCU has a disciplinary system featured by coordinated development of art, science, medicine and engineering. It, currently, runs 100 undergraduate programs covering 12 disciplines, 8 disciplines and 64 sub-disciplines which confer Ph.D. degrees, 45 disciplines which confer master degrees, 5 post-doctoral research stations, 1 professional doctoral program, 15 professional master programs and equivalent master programs for part-time postgraduates. In addition, NCU boasts 1 national key laboratory, 1 national engineering technology research center, 2 national key disciplines, 1 national key discipline under cultivation, 2 key laboratories of Ministry of Education, 2 engineering centers of Ministry of Education, 1 key humanity and social science research base of Ministry of Education, 3 innovation teams of Ministry of Education, 1 national clinical pharmacology base, 5 national clinical specialty, 1 branch of National Stem Cell Engineering Technology Research Center. It boasts 3 state experiment teaching modeling centers, 9 featured specialties, 1 teaching group, 2 quality curriculums, 1 modeling bilingual teaching curriculum, 5 provincial high-standard disciplines and 2 high-standard laboratories, 1 high-standard engineering (technology) research center, 16 provincial key disciplines and 6 modeling master programs of the twelfth five-year plan.

The University Combines resources over and above the ordinary to deliver one of the greatest education systems in the world. Get detailed information about their campus, departments, and application time schedules by downloading the brochure. Apply to speak with your personal Program Advisor

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